Valuing and growing your capital: Wealth manager

Saving and growing your capital is a solution that allows savers to build up their assets. This technique is an essential step to successfully carry out the various projects and prepare for the future of yourself and your loved ones. Sources of heritage financing include all assets belonging to a person. These can be tangible assets such as real estate... intangible assets such as goodwill... financial assets such as equity investments, cash, bonds...

Constitute and enhance the value of a heritage

To establish an inventory of the elements, the wealth manager will be able to rely on the financial information of his clients. This information is useful in view of the situation, personal objective, investor profile and duration envisaged for the investment.

How to enhance the value of an existing capital?

The solution to build up an estate is to improve and develop it. This requires avoiding haste and a step-by-step approach. To effectively manage existing capital, it will be necessary to define an investment horizon, an acceptable level of risk and objectives. It will also be necessary to define a global strategy that includes an appropriate fiscal envelope or combination of fiscal envelopes, a strategic asset allocation that is appropriate to the risk profile and that is in line with financial objectives. The investor must also favour the best investment vehicles. In these cases, it will be necessary to choose among media that are ideal for their intrinsic quality and that adapt to the economic situation. To make the right choice of financing sources, the investor must make a global diagnosis of the financial, family and tax situation...

Main ways to grow your capital

To optimize its sources of financing, there are several investment vehicles that offer speculators good profitability. Rental investment is one of the best investment vehicles. You can also enjoy good sustainable returns without management concerns by buying units of a real estate investment company (SCPI), another attractive investment vehicle, the Real Estate Investment Trust (OPCI). You can also boost your capital by investing in crowdlending. The principle consists in lending money to an SME in order to finance its development project by using a crowdlending participatory financing platform. As for life insurance, it represents an investment envelope in which the investor is free to put what he wants by drawing from the insurer's basket of solutions.
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